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Healthy. Affordable. For Seniors.

OHO Pro smartwatch coupon sale best price discount

Stay Healthy, Stay Connected...

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What is the OHO Pro?

If you're older and worried about your health, you can now enjoy peace of mind!

Monitor your heart rate 24/7, see your blood pressure and blood 02 and even perform a basic ECG test - all from your wrist.

When you wear your OHO Pro you can be connected to family, friends and work through your smartphone. You're less likely to miss an important message or call again!

Organize your appointments, optimize your sleep patterns so you wake up more refreshed, minimize your sitting time to feel less back pain, it even motivates you to exercise - all while being comfortable and stylish!

OHO Pro is made by a startup company that makes high-end smartwatches at an affordable price. The smartwatch brand focuses on what seniors want in a smart watch - health features, easy-to-use, big battery life and great comfort.

OHO Pro is high-qualiity health smartwatch for seniors, at a very affordable price!
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See your health vitals - in seconds!
Monitor important things like your heart rate, blood pressure, blood O2 and more! Get peace of mind about your health.

Easy to use

Fast and easy setup. Simple and clear menus. A touch screen that feels second nature. OHO Pro has the older customer in mind. Our team is just a email away. It couldn't be easier.

Helps to reach your fitness goals
With advanced workout metrics and water resistant - it’s made to join you on your workouts.

Motivates you to exercise, move and sit less
See your activity and your progress, sit less, move more, and exercise every day.

Be warned when your heart rate creeps too high
Accurate heart monitoring will let you set your maximums. And warn you when you are doing too much.

See phone call alerts, your facebook, whatapp and SMS messages too!
With your OHO Pro linked to your phone, you can read your messages from lots of apps. You will get vibration alerts for calls too - so you'll never miss a call again!

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OHO Pro’s Top 6 Features:

OHO Pro health smartwatch

Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Blood O2, ECG

Check your vital signs from your wrist. Identify issues with your health early on.

OHO Pro sleep monitoring smartwatch

Sleep Monitor

Monitor your sleep to learn if you are getting enough high-quality sleep - follow recommendations to improve your mood, health and energy levels with proper sleep!

OHO pro sedentary warning smartwatch

Sedentary Warning

We now know sitting too much is bad for you. Heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are just some of the risks. Get hints to move more and sit less.

Best value smartwatch OHO Pro

Great Value for Money!
OHO Pro uses the same technology and quality as its competitors - but costs a fraction of the price!

Calls and texts on smartwatch OHO Pro

Bluetooth calls and messages
Easily answer your calls and see your messages on your OHO Pro, keeping your phone safe in your pocket!

Fitness smartwatch best value cheap OHO Pro

Workout Tracker

Walk, run, cycle, swim or gym, OHO Pro will record your workouts with accurate GPS tracking.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can OHO Pro be so affordable?
OHO Pro doesn't waste money on expensive advertising like other big brands. Instead, we pass those big savings onto you!

Does it connect to Andriod and Apple IOS phones?
Yes! It works perfectly with all types of phones. You download a free app and turn on your Bluetooth. Easy!

You must connect with a smartphone in order to set the time and date. And we only have limited stock for our online promotion!


What Do Customers Say About OHO Pro?

OHO pro review 1


"Absolutely amazing.

Feels high-quality, easy-to-use and comfortable.

I have high blood pressure and now I can roughly monitor it easily. It's a huge relief."

OHO Pro review customer


"WOW... It's perfect in every way, I am blown away this costs so much less than other models. I've been keeping to my easy routine and am now feeling in the shape of my life! Marathon next year I think!"

OHO Pro customer 3


"Looks premium and works perfectly.
I loved the health benefits and since using my OHO Pro I find I am far more health-conscious and less stressed too.

Would 100% recommend to a friend!"