Why If You're Over 50, This New Health Smartwatch, Is a Very Wise Investment In Your Health... 

30th Novemeber 2023 | by Mike Paul
What is the best value smartwatch? Vitalfit

Meet the latest health smartwatch for those 50 and older. It's comfy, user-friendly, and monitors your heart 24/7. Now available in the UK at a great price. If you're over 50, find out why this could be a smart move for your health...

Smartwatches have become super popular this year.

People in their 50s, like us, are grabbing smartwatches like crazy. But our reasons are different from younger folks...

Now, some smartwatches can measure your heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, blood oxygen, and even track your sleep. These features are crucial for older folks dealing with health and heart issues.

But, there's a big problem - the cost...

Big-name brands charge way too much, making it tough for most of us. But now, this new health tech is getting more affordable...

Let's check out a popular model with all these health features.

Surprisingly, it's way under the £200 average. But is it any good?

What Is It Called?

What is a cheaper smartwatch but like apple watch? VitalFit

It's called the Vital Fit health watch.

The Vital Fit is from a new tech company in the UK. Their aim was to bring the new health monitoring benefits top smartwatches can offer, to the more senior market - that needs them most. 

And judging by the Vital Fit smartwatch - they've succeeded in that mission! 

It's Made For Those 50 and Over...

Boasting all the best and latest health features you'd find in all the top-of-the-range models;

You can see your Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Blood Oxygen, and Blood glucose levels, monitor your sleep, even do basic  ECG tests and much more!

Irregular heart rate, high blood pressure, high blood glucose, or low blood O2 levels - these could be signs of serious health issues. That's why the Vital Fit's monitor and checking features are perfect for your peace of mind.

While VitalFit doesn't claim their results to be medical-grade (no watch does), they are still very accurate and could give you an early indicator that you might have underlying problems. 

Unlike some other models which can be fiddly and leave older users confused, Vital Fit is made to be very easy to use, read, and simple to navigate - for the older, less 'techy' user!

What else do you get in the Vital Fit?

A lot!

The Vital Fit is packed with lots of useful functions and great health benefits:

  • ✅ ECG, Heart rate, Blood pressure, Blood O2 -  24/7 heart and health monitoring
  • ✅ Blood Glucose levels - Do it instantly from your wrist, without pricking your finger
  • ✅ State-of-the-art Fitness tracking -  Record your workouts, get fit, and lose weight
  • ✅ Step counter -  Set goals, hit them and lose weight fast
  • ✅ Sleep manager -  Go to bed and get woken up at the optimum time for you
  • ✅ Calorie counter -  It improves your eating habits and your chances of losing weight
  • ✅ Big 280MAH battery -  Long life 5-7 day use, 30-40 standby - less annoying recharges
  •  Large 1.78 inch/44mm Display - Clear, easy-to-read display
  • ✅ Sedentary Warning - Tells you when to sit less and move more
  • ✅ Great Styling - Modern, fashionable, minimal styling
  •  IP68 Water Resistant -  Splash, dunk, dust and shock-resistant
  • ✅ See your notifications - WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Texts, Emails and many more
  • ✅ Take your calls and texts - See who's calling, and answer them from your VitalFit
  • ✅ Sync to both iPhone and Android -  Supports IOS and Andriod
  • ✅ Control your music -  The easiest way to change track and volume
  • ✅ Make your own watch face -  Any photo can be your watch screen!
  • ✅ Weather reports - at a glance weather where you are!
  • ✅ Chest strap accuracy - able to take even more accurate health checks with the strap
  • Anti-lost - Call your lost phone from your VitalFit watch to find it fast
  • ✅ Take a photo -  Use your VitalFit watch to take a photo on your smartphone

and much, much more!

You feel like you have a personal assistant and guardian angel, on your wrist!

One thing is for certain, once you wear a Vital Fit, you'll never want to go without it again!

What Did Our Editorial Team Think?

Vital Fit watch real review
"Top build quality. A superb smartwatch for anyone who cares about their health. In this market, it's price is amazing. If you have a health issue, then you won't regret wearing this day-to-day -as it really does give you peace of mind." - Wayne
is the Vital Fit smartwatch waterproof? Review
" Finally a top smartwatch that is water IP68 water resisant. I was seriously impressed with its health functions VS price. What a crazy bargain at under £200" - Chris
Customer reviews of Vital fit smartwatch
"Comfortable, long battery life (whole working week on a charge for me), and great styling also! I' pay a lot more attention to my health, especially since turning 40. It's made me realise how valuable your health is. Vital Fit tracked my heart rate accurately and gave me my blood pressure score in seconds, no trip to my doctor or bulky equipment needed. If the discount price is still live, buy it, you won't regret it." - Sasha 

How Much Does the Vital Fit Cost?

With its features and quality, you would expect it to be anywhere between £300-600+.

Surprisingly the retail price of £170 is way below our expected price range!

HOWEVER, do you know what's better than paying the already good full £170 price?

Their 30% promotional discount, where you can order yours for just £119.

They also included FREE shipping, which is always nice!

Click here to see the Vital Fit promotion (if it's still live) »

That's a small price to pay, for a 24/7 heart rate monitor smart watch with all those features!

It seems even more amazing when you consider some big brand models cost 3-5 times more...

How Can It Be So Affordable?

Big brands spend BILLIONS on ads, physical stores, and shareholder bonuses -  guess who's paying for that? Yep, us the customers...

VitalFit  spends nothing on any of this. They only sell online, don't advertise on TV and don't have greedy owners who demand ridiculous bonuses.

They prefer to let their devices and positive reviews do the talking for them!

Click here to see the Vital Fit official sale website »

Why The Current Discount?

Vital Fit is currently hosting a brand promotion in the UK.

The exciting news is they've discounted by an extra 30%.

And we've got the links to their top promotions right here:

Take me to the latest online promotional discounts »

Be aware that prices might revert to full price once the promo is over, so act swiftly!

Click here to see the Vital Fit official discount website »

What's the Shipping Cost and Time?

If you're ordering from the UK, shipping is completely free. Unlike some other watch brands that ship from China, VitalFit ships the same day from in-country warehouses. You should get your order in between 2-5 working days. 

Is The Customer Service Reliable? 

Yes. They are helpful and responsive. Replies are 24-48 hours in the working week. 

Are there any Downsides? 

Yes, of course - no product is perfect! 

The biggest negative is that you need to connect your watch to the app on a smartphone to get all the benefits. But it's worth it for sure. 

If you own a smartphone, then this isn't an issue. If you don't own a smartphone, you can always borrow a friend or family member for a minute to connect to your watch and automatically set the time and date. 

How Does It Compare To Competition Watches?

Given the plethora of medical watches available, why buy a Vital Fit?

Customers consistently cite a few reasons:

  1. Firstly, Vital Fit serves as both a medical health watch and a smartwatch. It accurately measures vital signs and performs all the functions of a smartwatch.

  2. Secondly, it's significantly less bulky than outdated medical watches you might find elsewhere.

  3. Lastly, it's stylish, comfortable, and offers excellent value for what you get;

Conclusion: Should You Buy the Vital Fit?

4.9  /5


Build Quality
Ease Of Use
Value For Money

In a word, ABSOLUTELY!

Whether you're a first-time smartwatch owner or seeking a hassle-free way to monitor your health, the Vital Fit, is the ideal entry-level model.

With Vital Fit, you're guaranteed peace of mind about your heart and health, improved eating habits, and increased motivation for exercise!

Honestly, the Vital Fit gives off the same vibe as a high-end £300 watch. It's loaded with all the top-notch features you'd expect.

The cherry on top is the price. If it's still available at the promotional price of under £200 - don't hesitate to grab one before it sells out.

In case it's not clear, I absolutely ADORED it! You won't find a better watch at a better price.

Where Can I Order My Vital Fit Smartwatch?

Order the Vital Fit from the official Vital Fit online shop here.

PRO TIP: The discount means the Vital Fit will sell out fast in the UK. If they run out of stock, you may have to wait months before they are back in stock... 

So, we highly recommend placing your order fast before the discount stock is gone (again)! 

Click here to get - 30% Off Your Vital Fit »